We are a group of independent optics stores. We provide a range of tools and competencies to our members. Our focus is to empower our members to grow and develop their business and make them experience great passion for their stores.


The stores are 100% independent and the owner are in the shop themself. They are independent, but not alone

Our members know best how to run their optician’s shop. as independent opticians. We support and empower our members to create a profitable business that stands out and offers something unique.

The team

Together, we have almost 60 years of experience in business development in various industries, however, primarily in the context of opticians. Therefore we have deep insight into the market and the conditions under which independent opticians work.

Jarl Riise Independent

Jarl Riise


Klaus Kjær Independent

Klaus Kjær


Jonatan Auerbach Independent

Jonatan Auerbach

Marketing Coordinator

Caroline Thomsen

Marketing Assistent


We want to make our members the most attractive and well-functioning opticians in the industry.

We see it as our main task to develop and service our members to make their customers experience en excellent service and a product range that suits the local market.


We focus on creating the best growth conditions for our members

E.g. through procurement optimization, financial management and effective marketing

International network

We are a member of Europe's largest voluntary optics network, INEUROP, which has more than 4,500 members.

The total purchasing volume from these stores ensures that our members achieve very favorable prices from central suppliers.